Contact Us

        Shenyang Northeast Electric Power Control Technology Co., Ltd.

        Address: No.5, Gaogong Road, Hunnan New District, Shenyang
        Postal Code: 110179
        Telephone: +86-24-23782387
        Fax: +86-24-83781100, 23789933


        Business Consultation and Customer Service
        Petrochemicals and Pipeline Market: +86-24-23782387-7188, 8032
        Metallurgy and Building Material Market: +86-10-58612269
        Valve and Integration Market: +86-24-23782387-8068, 8035
        Power Generation Market: +86-24-23782387-8030, 8058
        International Market: +86-24-23782387-8069, 8035
        Human Resources: +86-24-23782387-8027